Episode 09: "Ancient alien theorists say YES."
Here at Currently Obsessed, we’re all about speaking our truth and living shamelessly, which includes g u i l t y p l e a s u r e s. From spam DMs to aliens to hilarious shows, is this episode worth the listen? Currently Obsessed theorists say YES.
Links To Give You Life:
Learn how to function like a proper human in a crowded city with Nathan Pyle’s TEDYouth Talk on “Etiquette”
Take a look at this Strange Planet we live on with a fresh perspective, particularly the “f i l t h,” “s p i t” and “s i g n i f i c a n t” scenes
“Calvary Greetings, Beloved!” Do you know what movie C was referencing? Send in your guess via email and we’ll give you a shoutout
Live vicariously through James Veitch as he goes through his email thread with a scammer in this TED Talk
Discover the t r u t h behind our ancient civilizations with Ancient Aliens—”Ancient alien theorists say yes” to these episodes:
Season 4, Episode 7: “Aliens and Bigfoot”
Season 12, Episode 14: “A Spaceship Made of Stone”
Season 12, Episode 3: “The Mystery of Rudloe Manor”
See Giorgio’s pin tattoo i n p e r s o n at AlienCon 2019 in Los Angeles
Enjoy another alien show but with a throwback spin: Roswell
Watch Rusty and Casey’s journey through the Greek system on their college campus with Greek on Hulu (which apparently has only 3.5 seasons, not 6)
Experience Scott Michael Foster in his p r i m e in Teenage Dirtbag (2009)—also Quarterlife (a YouTube series from before it was cool) and Chasing Life
Put “Obsessed” to the (Taste) Test:
In this episode, C + D tried toffee-covered pretzels from Everton Toffee, which focuses on their handmade care and quality. Follow along and give the “Original Toffee” flavor a try. Are you obsessed? Send in your thoughts and other recommendations to currentlyobsessedclub@gmail.com.