Episode 84: “I could create a whole grammar army for you.”

Episode 84: “I could create a whole grammar army for you.”

From flying commas to homophones, C+D talk in this episode about grammar mistakes and punctuation pet peeves.

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Today, C answers, “What is the weirdest song you legitimately enjoy?” while D answers, “What was your ‘Oh, I’m an adult now,’ moment?” Send in your own answers—or question suggestions—to currentlyobsessedclub@gmail.com.

Episode Guide: (00:00) D’s obsession with Board Kings (05:14) C’s obsession with Imperfect Produce (13:20) C talks the misuse of dollar signs and forward slashes on Reddit (20:04) C talks why commas matter (24:40) D talks walking a fine line on correcting grammar for writing friends (27:32) D talks homonyms and homophones (30:55) C talks why you should, “Stop shaming people on the Internet for grammar mistakes.” (42:34) C+D talk “The Fast Food Song” and #adulting moments

Episode 85: "Get your beans and get out!"

Episode 85: "Get your beans and get out!"

Episode 83: “Did I see you driving the school bus today?”

Episode 83: “Did I see you driving the school bus today?”