Episode 82: "I could have a unicycle in that purse."

Episode 82: "I could have a unicycle in that purse."

You may be recycling, but are you reducing and reusing? From plogging to thrift hauls, C+D talk in this episode about ways to develop low-waste lifestyles.

Links To Give You Life:

In lieu of a taste test, C+D are trying something new: pulling two random questions from AskReddit. Today, D answers, “If you had $150 to burn but all your friends are busy and you have the whole day to yourself, what do you do?” while C answers, “What is the cringiest thing you’ve seen a bride and groom do for their wedding?” Send in your own answers—or question suggestions—to currentlyobsessedclub@gmail.com.

Episode Guide: (00:00) D’s obsession with “The UnXplained” (08:50) C’s obsession with Airspun Loose Face Powder (14:48) C+D talk coffee filters and leftover containers (26:20) C+D talk thrift store hauls and Goodwill finds (41:15) C+D talk $150 #treatyourself days and cringe-worthy wedding vows, brought to you by AskReddit

Episode 83: “Did I see you driving the school bus today?”

Episode 83: “Did I see you driving the school bus today?”

Episode 81: “Now I want to start checking all the bananas for QR codes.”

Episode 81: “Now I want to start checking all the bananas for QR codes.”